Hope this helps you in any way. Have a good weekend ahead.
7 Ways to Relieve Migraine Headaches
1. First, you should know that migraines are the result of a blood rush to your head. Constricting the blood vessels to slow the rush of blood will often help. Try applying cold compresses to your forehead and the back of your neck to see if the cold helps to slow down the blood, thus slowing down the pain.
2. Another idea is to dip your fingers into ice cold water and apply pressure to your temples. You can try an ice massage, by dipping your fingers into cold water, and simply massaging your temples to help relieve the pain caused from the sudden rush of blood.
3. Everyone knows that migraines are often the result of stress. If you are feeling stressed out, then try changing your scenery. Watch a funny movie, or take a long hot bath. Try to relax and let the stress wash off you.
4. Exercise is also a great pain reliever, specifically aerobic exercise. Exercising will help to regulate the blood flow throughout your body, thus relieving the pressure from the blood rush in your head which caused the migraine to begin with.
5. Migraine sufferers know that lights and sound are a migraine headaches worst enemy. If you are suffering with a migraine, then pull your curtains, turn out the lights, and keep all noise to a mute volume. Having just a simple dark, quiet rest will often relieve the pain, and the relaxation may make the migraine dissipate much sooner.
6. Migraine medication that comes over the counter holds one of the most effective ingredients for relieving migraines. Caffeine, although it can trigger a migraine, can also relieve it. Many over the counter medicines that are specifically geared for migraines hold caffeine, so grab a cup of coffee or tea and it should help to alleviate the pain.
7. Change your scenery. You can try a quick change, like moving from the room that may hold the smell or trigger of your migraine. If you are in the kitchen, try sitting in the bedroom for a spell.
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